Apple's Keynote has been around for nearly five years and during that time it has not only competed with Microsoft's PowerPoint but surpassed it. If you need a polished, professional looking presentation that will impress, Keynote will deliver.
Keynote has a Smart Build feature that is a big time saver, allowing you to show multiple images without setting them into separate frames. Simply drag and drop the images you want to display onto an overlay the Smart Build places on the slide. When you've finished you can choose from a number of special effects for your pictures, ranging from a turntable display to a spinning cube.
Keynote also supports path-based animation that allows you to move objects as you choose. You can also tag specific actions the will change the size, opacity or rotation of an object. For instance, you can animate a simulated comet (or any object) that grows in size or changes shape, as it gets closer to the viewer.
With Keynote you can record a narration for your presentation as well as save it in a format compatible with an iPod or an iPhone. You can also insert music to accentuate important ideas or concepts.
There are some great special effects here, too. You can make objects appear or disappear in a blaze of fire with Flame or use Confetti to assemble or explode something. There are several themes to choose from, allowing you to make a spectacular presentation that people will enjoy.